Unintentional love

7/08/2021 02.10

I could have said something

Not to let you gone

Not to see when you were leaving

Word by word from my life

All I did was just looking sorrowfully

At the time, you said do not beg for love

I didn't know that

Words can hurt us, like sharp knives


I'm lost by your hurricane

My heart is dispersing in your wind 

As a poppy flower

Swinging, trying to hold on to something

That she can rely on

But losing her leaves 

One by one

Some stories will not start 

Because they are not written

Even sometimes love does not enough

Enough to convince somebody

That has never been in love

Maybe you are asking

Why she is still writing poems about me

Somehow I feel like 

Although it hurts to look backwards

Talk and explain these to you

In case you didn't know

This is a story about

The evanescence of romantic love

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